Shrubby Road Studio Worcester UK

Shrubby Road Studio Worcester opening times rates and payments.

We are open 12pm to midnight everyday

Rehearsals outside these hours may also be possible so please ask. 


All rehearsals are £15.00 per hour and include the use of a 1.8kw PA system, and drum kit but please bring all breakables cymbals, hi hat clutch etc...and we offer discounts for bookings over consecutive days.

Recording sessions are £35.00 per hour and we offer discounts for bookings over consecutive days.

Setting up time for rehearsals and recording

Please allow time for setting up and packing away within the allocated time you have booked. We ask you to finish 15 minutes before the end of your booking as other bands may be waiting to use our studio and you will incur extra costs of £8.00 per 30 minutes over your allocated time.


If you cancel your booking with less than 24 hours notice then you will be charged the full amount due for the booking.


There is currently no VAT charged on any rentals or ancillary services.


Payment and online booking can be taken via Paypal (

Payment on the day of rehearsal can be taken by cash, paypal or cheque.

Shrubby Road Studio

Unit 1

Worcester Enterprise Centre,

Shrub Hill Industrial estate, Shrub Hill Road, Worcester WR4 9EL

Telephone 07751801908

Email :